
Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Story about braces (part 1 )

Already a week more or less I have braces on my teeth arrangement within the framing. I have long planned to set it up again. First time I was in elementary school, I also wear braces. But with a different system, which could be removed at any time. But for many reasons, teeth alignment treatments finally that time I did not continue. Some of the reason that time thus:

-Because it is very sick.

Each time you complete control gear, wire it set repeated in accordance with the arrangement of teeth wants trimmed. For a few days after all the teeth it was rocking, head of the cenut-cenut, hard to eat and sleep. Tormented dah!!

-Because it is always teased teammates and one school children.

First right braces rather than trend. I was the only kid who berkawat teeth at school. Every day I receive ridicule as: "wire clothesline". This feels more intense ridicule my time stepping on the grade 1 junior high school. Confidence shattered deh anyway. Moreover, there is a boy who I like in the classroom, a transfer from another school. Uh..sad.

-Because my teeth are not too cluttered again like before I go through the program pengawatan gear.

It used to be before giigi I dikawat, my jaw like buto Cakil.. the bottom on the front, the top of the back. Now, it's been ga nyakil again but the top dental is a mess. as can be seen in my photo grins at the following story:

-Because the students of dentistry that used to take good care of my teeth had graduated.

Medical students previously took care of my teeth were replaced by other students who didn't seasik he, so I do not feel comfortable and close. The proximity of a child with the doctor of his teeth is important lhoooo ... Let alone the kind of child I.. hihi ...

Well, since then I receive-accept it with my teeth arrangement that aren't too messy. But.. He wants to continue the alignment of teeth that come up again and the greater. First molars I already reduced two seeds: one on the lower left and one on the upper right. This makes me be a toothless old man before and when I chew food can not be balanced because it is the most comfortable to wear for chewing only part right away. The muscles of the mouth and face I could not score against dong. long can I pocked dong (ih ... dramatic ah!!).

Then after the process of patching the perforated teeth, tartar cleaning, x-rays and dental panoramic print, my teeth finally berkawat again.

I chose to do a Dental Care Center the road Solo, under the doctors ' handling of Andi. The doctor said Andi, treatment with braces will be completed within one year. Sukurlah, A. .. I was relieved because it does not have to have these strange objects lingering in my mouth.

Anyhow ... in the early I berkawat my teeth worried with how to keep food can enter into my stomach as it no doubt will hurt the jaw to chew. I dont want to be skinny like the skull like most people in their early berkawat teeth.

Then I continued to eat rice, vegetables, fruits, milk, biscuits, cereals ... If I eat vegetables, I thin-cut sayurnya thin so that not too loud to be chewed. My fruit juice and my regular consumption. My dipping biscuits milk. And cereals and muesli I leave in the marinade of milk for five minutes before being eaten. I also dont hesitate to eat pureed baby because it feels good and quite nutritious.

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